"To draw you must close your eyes and sing." PABLO PICASSO


Sepia is a rich dark brown, grayish color and it creates a classic look in portrait painting.  I have added sepia to my watercolor palette.  These are my first steps in painting in light values of sepia.   This portrait will be painted in sepia only, using a range of values.
The supplies for this portrait are very simple and include 1 tube of sepia watercolor by Winsor Newton and a pencil.   The beautiful ceramic mug that is holding my watercolor brushes is by one of my favorite Michigan artists,  Sue Bolt,
http://www.suebolt.com .  Sue, her husband Russ, and their daughter Lori are exceptional artists from Charlevoix, Michigan.

This is the finished portrait in sepia on Arches archival watercolor
paper. http://Sketchbookstudioart.etsy.com
This is a sepia portrait of my husband that I painted many years ago.  The inner mat matches the sepia.


Maria's Watercolor said...

The portraits in sepia are very striking, very nice work.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Maria.